Unique Challenges in Caring for Teenagers & Young Adults with Cancer image

Unique Challenges in Caring for Teenagers & Young Adults with Cancer

Study day aimed at clinicians (nursing, medical and AHP) involved in the care of Teenagers & Young adults with cancer. The day will cover a diverse range of topics including an interactive patient panel to share their first-hand experiences of cancer as a young person.

Wed 30 Apr 2025

9-9.15am: Introduction

Dr Victoria Grandage (Consultant Adolescent Haematologist & UCLH TYA Cancer Clinical Lead)

Lisa-Marie McMonagle (Teenage Cancer Trust Nurse Consultant)

9.15-10.15am: Barriers to clinical trial access for TYA and how we can overcome these

Lorna Fern (Senior Research Fellow & Patient Engagement Lead, UCLH)

Tara Searle (Senior Research Nurse & Team Lead for Paeds/TYA & Sarcoma, UCLH)

10.15 – 11am: Fertility: pre-treatment and going into late effectsDr Ephia Yasmin (Gynaecology Consultant & Clinical Lead for Gynaecology, UCLH)
11-11.15am: coffee 
11.15-12: EOL and communicating with the dying child/TYA

Dr Jane Neerkin (Consultant in Palliative Medicine, UCLH)

Dan Harper (Palliative Care CNS, UCLH)

12-1pm: MDT panel & patient vignettesConsultants, CNS, ANP, YSC, AHPs
1-1.30pm: Cardiac toxicity and late effects: benefits of a cardio-oncology serviceDr Arjun Ghosh (Consultant Cardiologist, Barts Heart Centre & UCLH)
1.30pm: lunch 
2.15 – 3pm: Patient panel - communicating with TYAs from the patient perspective (interview style)

Patient Panel

Thomas Thorpe (TYA Outreach Youth Support Coordinator, UCLH)

Andre Thomas (Youth Support Coordinator, UCLH)

Jessica O’Brien (Young Adult Clinical Lead Nurse, UCLH)

3-3.45pm: Prehab and rehab: why it mattersRebecca OKeeffe (Paediatric Therapies Team Lead, RNOH)

3.45-4.30pm: Transition: getting it right


Emma Potter (Transition & Long Term Follow Up Nurse Practitioner, Royal Marsden)



4.30pm: Conclusion to day – signpost to TYA AC study day to be held 7/5/25Emma Thistlethwayte (TYA ANP, UCLH)

  • Tutor:  
  • Contact:   Emma Thistlethwayte
  • Tel:   07966759219
  • Email:   e.thistlethwayte@nhs.net
  • Please contact the course admins for any course related queries


UCLH Education Centre
250 Euston Road, London