Optimising Upper Limb Recovery Module:  Functional Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb with a focus on Proximal Strength and Activity image

Optimising Upper Limb Recovery Module: Functional Rehabilitation of the Upper Limb with a focus on Proximal Strength and Activity

A one-day theory and practical course links current neurophysiological and movement analysis literature to the assessment and treatment of the upper limb in adults with neurological dysfunction. The focus of the course will be on the proximal control of movement in the arm.

Sat 15 Feb 2025

The course is for physiotherapists and occupational therapists working in neurology who wish to develop skills in the assessment and treatment of patients with upper limb impairment. Previous completion of the introductory to normal movement courses run by BBTA is recommended but not essential.

By the end of the course participants will be able to:


  • Discuss the relevant neuro-physiological literature in the context of the analysis and treatment of reach and grasp.


  • Identify the key biomechanical elements of upper limb function recognizing common neurological dysfunction.


  • Develop knowledge and skills to allow therapist to minimize upper limb impairments.


  • Demonstrate specific upper limb handling and assessment skills through practical sessions and patient workshop. 

  • Tutor:   Helen Lindfield
  • Contact:   Therapy Courses Team
  • Tel:   02034483127
  • Email:   uclh.enquiry.therapy.courses@nhs.net
  • Please contact the course admins for any course related queries


National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery
33 Queen Square, London